Thursday, August 12, 2010

< 6.5 Weeks Left: Leg Day

I split legs in to two days this week, and had a pretty successful Hams/Calves day on Monday. I was surprised how much energy I had (lifted at 6pm, after lifting back/bis earlier that morning). Got through everything in about an hour, hit 14 sets of hams including my first sets of rack pulls w/ no knee/back/hip pain. Was pretty stoked about that. It looked like this:

Rack Pulls: 4x6x405
RDL: 10x295 (2)
Glute-Ham Raise: 8
Superset w/ 45 degree hyperextension: 10
Leg Curl: 8x170
Std Calf: 15x140
Standing Calf: 8x210

I was good and sore up through today, though it wasn't nearly as bad today as it was Tuesday or Wednesday. I got my Stick ( yesterday, so I was able to roll out my legs/back/hips before hitting quads today. I didn't feel the 'good deep pain' I hear about when people talk about foam rolling...that could mean I'm not doing it right/hard enough or it means I just don't have a lot of

So on to today's workout. To sum it up...less than mediocre. I hit 2 sets of back squats before me knee started acting up. No chance of finishing my back squats or moving on to front squats. Unlike 2 weeks ago, I was able to move on hack squats and leg press without too much knee pain. Had to go light on leg extensions to save my hip, which started acting up at the end of leg presses. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow to get x rays on my hip to make sure it's healing ok, so I'm going to get my knee checked out...though I'm not expecting too much as the docs have never been able to do anything helpful for any of my past issues (knee or otherwise). I expect I'll hear the typical "rest and ice" response. Awesome, thanks doc! That was a good use of a co-pay and an hour wait.

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